Now let’s get into the next component, which is called the clusters. So OLVM has got clusters which provide a robust framework for managing virtualized environments, offering high availability, load balancing, and efficient resource management. Proper setup and management of clusters will ensure a stable and scalable virtualization infrastructure, which is capable of meeting the demands of modern enterprise workloads. By grouping the hosts into clusters, OLVM will actually make it more simpler for the administrators and enhance the capabilities of the virtualized environments. So when we look at the clusters, a cluster is basically a part of your data center. Inside a cluster, you might have multiple different KVM hosts that can be configured, and they are utilizing the same network and the same storage so that they can work with the mechanisms of virtualization migrations or virtual machine migrations, implementing features for storage utilization, quality of service, affinity management, fencing management. A lot of things can be done with these clusters and the host inside the cluster. So a data center can consist of multiple clusters, and a cluster can consist of multiple KVM hosts. And if you look at this, the host consists of multiple virtual machines having guest agents installed over it, and the host interacts with the oVirt engine using the VDSM daemon. And they are connected to the shared storages so that they can implement a proper cluster mechanism inside the environment. So now let’s try to understand more about the clusters. Let’s try to see what are the clusters basically having or what are the properties of the cluster. So clusters, they are logical grouping of hosts that share the same storage domains and have the same type of CPU. The idea here is clusters are termed as logical groups of hosts, which are basically the physical servers, or also termed as a KVM host, that share common resources and configuration. Host within a cluster share the same storage domains and the network configurations. Each cluster in the system must belong to a data center, and each host in the system must belong to a cluster. So the idea of the cluster is the cluster is integrated with your data center. Each cluster must belong to a data center within the OLVM environment, and each host in the system must be assigned to a specific cluster and by extension to a specific data center. Virtual machines are dynamically allocated to any host in a cluster and can be migrated between them, according to policies defined on the cluster. So dynamic allocation of virtual machines, like– virtual machines are dynamically allocated to any host inside the cluster based on the available resources and defined policies that you have specified. Like Policies can be migration and allocations, which are governed by the policies at the cluster level. You can define load balancing policies and high availability policies that can help the virtual machines to decide or the OLVM to decide in which host the virtual machine should be started or created. The cluster is the highest level at which power and load-sharing policies can be defined. So at the cluster level, you can define the policies, which are actually power management policies and load-sharing policies. Like I can configure a load balancing policy, which can be set to distribute workloads evenly across host, optimizing resources, usage, and performance. In power management, power policies can manage the power state of the host to save energy during the low usage period. The number of hosts and virtual machines that belong to a cluster are displayed in the results list under host count and VM count. So I can get a option that is monitoring can be done to understand how many hosts are there in the cluster and how many VMs are there in the column, which identifies the clusters, host count, and VM count. And administrators can monitor resource usage, performance metrics, and overall cluster health through the OLVM interface. The default setup will create one default cluster in the default data center. If you look at the page of the cluster, you can see that if you want to get into the clusters or see the cluster, which is defined for you, and try to create new clusters inside the environment– using the Administration portal, you can go to the Compute menu. Inside the Compute menu, you will select Clusters. And in the Cluster page, you can see the details of the default cluster that is assigned to you. Just concentrate on the column host count that specifies how many hosts are created inside the cluster. And VM count specifies how many virtual machines are created inside the cluster or belongs to this cluster. If you want to create new clusters or edit the existing cluster or upgrade the cluster, you can do that by using the button. So New is actually for creating a new cluster, Edit for editing a cluster or upgrading a cluster from one release to the other. So let’s try to see what are the components that I need to provide if I want to create a new cluster and what are the things that I should configure for it. If I’m creating a new cluster with a new button, it opens the New Cluster page for me. The New Cluster page involves configuring various settings to ensure that the cluster operates efficiently and meets the specific needs of your virtualized environments. These settings include general configurations, like the CPU type, memory optimization, scheduling policies, high-availability architecture, load balancing, fencing, power management, optimization, migration policies. A lot of configurations can be set using the new cluster when you’re creating the cluster. Later, you can edit the cluster and define these components. So now let’s try to see the properties and the configuration options for the cluster. Let’s talk about the first part, which is the general settings. In the general settings, we have got the data center in which you are creating the cluster, the name of the cluster, the description of the cluster, and the comments. So name, you can enter a unique name for the cluster inside the data center. Description is optional. You can provide a description for the cluster. And then you can select the data center to which the cluster is belonging. And you have got the compatibility version that you can also go with for defining the compatibility features for your cluster. Then we have got the CPU type in manage– selecting what is the CPU architecture, what is the management network, and then the CPU type. In the CPU type, we have got the CPU architecture, which selects the CPU type supported by all host in the cluster, and CPU level defines a specific CPU model to ensure compatibility and optimal performance across all hosts. So you can specify what level of CPU you are trying to configure, whether it’s x86-64 or ppc64, s390x. These are the architectures of the CPU. And you can also configure the CPU type. But once you configure these, then you will be following the same structure of host that will be configured for your cluster, so same value of the CPU type should be configured for your cluster. Then we have got something which is called as the optimization. In optimization, we have got the memory overcommit features that will allow the host to allocate more virtual memory than physical available. So I can set up these optimization parameters. And I can also go with setting up the scheduling policies. In the scheduling policies, you can schedule policies that determines how VMs are distributed across the host in the cluster. So it can be even distribution or power saving, or it can be strict. These are the scheduling policies that can be configured. You can also define custom properties, which defines any custom properties needed for those scheduling properties. Then we have got the fencing policy. The fencing policy will enable fencing to isolate and restart a nonresponsive host, and fencing ensures that VMs are safely relocated to the other host. You can set the time delay before fencing is initiated. By default, the time delay is set to 60 seconds. We have also got the optimization settings that can be done to specify how the optimization workloads are handled. And we have got the next set of policies, which are called as a migration policies. That’s defining migration threshold that sets threshold for automatic migration of VMs to balance the load, or it can be parallel migration, which defines a number of parallel migrations allowed to prevent network congestion. So these are a few of the things that you can set when you are defining your new cluster. Once the cluster is created, you can get into the Cluster Detail page by highlighting the cluster. And in the Cluster Detail page, we have got multiple options that you can look through. You have got the general properties that gives the information of the cluster to which data center it is belonging, what is the compatibility version, what is the cluster ID allocated, what is the cluster CPU type, what is the– you can say like a chipset and frameworks that have been defined, number of VMs inside the cluster, number of volumes which are up, and volumes which are down. So you can get these details from the General tab. The other components are the logical networks, which identifies which logical networks is your cluster using, host that identifies the hosts that are a part of this cluster, virtual machines identifies which are the virtual machines part of the cluster. Then you have got the affinity groups and affinity tables, which we’ll be talking in the next slides, CPU profiles, the permissions that are allocated, and the events that are happening on the cluster. So these are the detailed descriptions of things related to your cluster. Now, from the Clusters Detail page, you can come down to the affinity group. And affinity group provides a robust mechanism to control and optimize the placement of VMs within a cluster by defining positive and negative affinity rules and setting enforcement modes. So administrators can ensure high availability and optimize performance and manage resources efficiently and comply with the licensing requirements. The proper use of affinity groups enhances the overall reliability, performance, and manageability of your virtualized environments. So if you look at this, you have got the options which are given as affinities, which are positive and negative affinity. Define a name to the affinity, you’ll define the description for the affinity. And then you have got your VM affinity rule and host affinity rule, which is positive or which can be defined as positive affinity or negative affinity. Positive affinity ensures the VMs are placed on the same host. Negative affinity ensures that VMs are placed on a different host....
Continue reading...November 30, 2024
Storage Domain – OLVM
Now, let’s talk about the storage domains. In Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager, a storage domain is a fundamental concept that represents a logical storage container where various virtualization related data is stored. Let’s try to understand how it is done. Have a common storage interface. So a storage domain provides a standardized interface through which virtualization components interact with storage resources. This interface abstracts the underlying storage technologies like NFS, GlusterFS, iSCSI, FCP and allows the OLVM to manage and utilize storage resources uniformly. Contain complete images of templates, VM, snapshots, and ISO files. So basically, storage domain in OLVM will contain the images of various components, like it can be a part containing templates, pre-configured VM templates, which can be used for rapid deployment of your virtual machines or VMs, which are like virtual machine disk images that store operating system, application, and data. It also stores snapshots, which is point in time copies of your VM disks, ISO files that can be disk images used for installing operating systems or applications on virtual machines. OLVM support storage domains that are block device storage domains and file system storage domains. Like in block devices, it supports SAN, which is iSCSI or FCP. And in File systems, it supports NAS which is NFS or Gluster file system. So if I go with the block devices, which is a SAN storage style, iSCSI uses the internet small computer system interface protocol to provide block level access to storage volumes, and that is provided over your IP networks. The Fiber Channel protocol provides block level access to storage volumes over fiber channel networks, offering high speed, low latency storage access. With file system NAS type network access to storage, which is consisting of NFS, which is the storage is over a network sharing files and directories as if they are mounted locally. And GlusterFS is a distributed file system that allows OLVM hosts to access storage distributed across multiple servers. Virtual machines should share the same storage domain to be migrated. Again, storage domains helps in migration and sharing. So virtual machines using OLVM can be migrated between hosts within the same data center. For successful migration, the source and destination host must have access to the same storage domain where the VM disk image is residing. It also supports– the data center can have at least one data domain. The data center requirements are basically categorized as non shared between data centers data domain. So a data domain is actually a domain that is created for each data center. It cannot be shared between data centers. So every data center must have at least one storage domain attached to it. And this ensures that there is a dedicated storage location for storing your VM data, and it cannot be shared between your data centers. So it’s non shared between data centers. So storage domains cannot be shared between different OLVM data centers and each data center manages its own set of storage domains to maintain isolation and control over storage resources. Now, let’s talk about something called as storage pool manager, which is also termed as the SPM. The storage pool manager plays a crucial role in managing storage domains within a data center. So let’s try to see how does the storage pool manager help managing your storage domains. SPM is a management role assigned to one of the host in the data center. So the role is assigned to one of the host within a data center by the OLVM engine. The host acts as a designated SPM for that particular data center. It manages the storage domains of the data center. The SPM is responsible for managing the storage domains within the data center. This includes coordinating access to storage resources and ensuring the integrity of storage metadata across all storage domains. And it also works with controlling access to storage by coordinating the metadata between the storage domains. SPM controls access to these storages by controlling and coordinating the metadata between storage domains or metadata includes information about virtual machines, disk images, templates, snapshots, and other virtualization related data which is stored inside your storage domain. The host running as SPM can still host virtual resources, so it’s not like the host, which is acting like SPM is only managing storage domain, but it can also host its own virtual resources. The SPM role is a primary role involving managing storage. The host running the SPM can still host virtual resources such as virtual machines and their applications. This ensures that the host contributes to both storage management and a compute resource within the data center. Now, what happens if the host is affected? So the engine assigns the role to another host, if the SPM host becomes unavailable. So there is a failover mechanism that is done internally. If the host currently serving as the SPM becomes unavailable due to hardware failure, network issues or other reasons, the OLVM engine automatically assigns the SPM role to another host within that particular data center. And the failover mechanism ensures continuity in storage management operations with minimizing disruptions in virtualized environments. So basically, internal failure mechanism is handled when the engine or the host becomes unavailable. Now, there’s something which is called as storage lease. So basically, a storage lease is a mechanism that enables virtual machines to maintain consistent access to storage across different host within a data center. Let’s try to see how does it work. When you add a storage domain, a special volume is created called as the xlease volume. And virtual machines are able to acquire a lease on this special volume. So special volume is created when you define this particular storage lease. When you add a storage domain to an OLVM, a volume called xlease is automatically created within the storage domain. And this volume is designated for managing storage leases for VMs, and the virtual machines are able to acquire a lease on this particular special volume. So virtual machines have the capability to acquire a lease on the xlease volume within their associated storage domain. This lease mechanism ensures that VM can maintain exclusive access to their required storage resources. A storage lease is configured automatically for the virtual machines on selecting storage domains to hold the VM lease. So when configuring a virtual machine and selecting a storage domain to hold its disk, images, and related resources, OLVM will automatically configure a storage lease for that VM. This lease allows the VM to start and operate on any host within that data center that has access to the storage domain holding that lease. It also gives you the options to enabling mobility, so it enables virtual machines to start on another host. So storage leads is supporting the virtual machines to get migrated and started on the other host doors. The lease ID and other information are sent from the SPM to...
Continue reading...Data Center – OLVM
It’s important to understnad topics that are related to understanding data centers, understanding clusters, understanding hosts and understanding storage domains. We’ll also cover understanding networks and understanding virtual machines. So we’ll have a basic idea about what are the different components or the core components that make your Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager work to implement the high-level virtualization and high-availability architectures and management of quality of services. Let’s try to understand each of these topics as we go further. When we talk about the core components, your Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager is actually categorized into data centers, clusters, and hosts. So the main idea is your virtualization environment consists of the main core components, like the data center cluster and the host. So data center can consist of multiple clusters, and clusters can consist of multiple hosts. The hosts here are referred to KVM host. Inside the host, you can have multiple virtual machines that can be created depending on the availability of resources under those hosts. And if hosts are configured with cluster management, we can also go with clustered environments, where you can have migration of virtual machines and implementation of, you can say, fencing and other features if your host and clusters are configured, if your cluster contains multiple hosts. And with these, you also need to know the high-availability considerations, like how I can configure high availability architectures inside my Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager. As I said, virtual machine migration is one of the feature of high-availability architecture and that is possible with clusters and hosts configured properly. Then we have got to understand the networks. We have got the logical networks, and how these logical networks are configured and what are the components related to logical networks. And we are going to see these storage components like storage domains and understand what type of storage domains you can configure inside your Oracle Linux virtual manager. And at the end, we’ll also see a bit of event logging and notification. All these components that we are looking in here, we’ll be understanding these components, like host, virtual machines, high ability considerations, network, storage, as we go further in the course with individual chapters related to all these components. So let’s get started with understanding the basic idea related to the core components and their features and their settings. So the first thing is the data centers in Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager. A data center represents the highest organizational level within the OLVM hierarchy, encapsulating clusters, host, storage, and network configuration. So basically a data center in OLVM is designed to provide a comprehensive and unified management framework for all virtualized resources within an organization. So you can understand a data center is a logical grouping of the components like clusters, hosts, storage domains, and networks. It serves as the primary container for organizing and managing resources, ensuring consistent policies, configuration, and resource allocation across the infrastructures. Inside the data center, you might have multiple clusters. So inside the oVirt engine– the oVirt engine can handle multiple data centers. You can configure many data centers into engine. And each data center can have multiple different sets of clusters, clusters and hosts like clusters. Each data center contains one or more clusters. Clusters are group of hosts that share the same storage domains and network configuration. And inside the cluster, you can have hosts, which are physical servers within a data center, which are organized into clusters. Each host within a data center must belong to a cluster, ensuring efficient resource management and virtual machine allocation. Then when we talk about the storage domains, the data centers encapsules storage domains, which are logical entities representing physical storage resources. They can be configured as NFS, iSCSI, fiber channel, gluster file system. So there are different types of storage domains that you can configure inside your Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager. The shared storage is actually a storage that is shared between the component of your clusters. So all clusters and hosts within a data center share access to these storage domains, enabling virtual machine migrations and centralized storage management. Different types of storage domains can be created, including data, ISO, export domains, and each serving specific purpose inside your virtual environments. Other than this, the data center also consists of networks. You have got networks which are defined at the data center level and applied to clusters and host supporting various network topologies like VLANs and multi-interface configurations. So if you want to go with a data center creation, you can do that by getting into your administration portal. Using a GUI interface, you will go to the menu, which is called as a Compute. And inside the compute, you will select Data Centers, which will take you to the page for the data centers which are available inside your engine. And when I look at the data center part, I can see every installation will have one default data center created for you. You can create other data centers. You can define properties for it by using the buttons, which are listed there, which are called as the New button, so New button or the Edit button. The New button will help you in creating a new data center and Edit will help you in editing an existing data center. You can also remove the data centers from the system by using the Remove button. So these are the different actions that you can perform using your Data Center main page. Now, let’s see what are the features that I need to consider when I’m creating a new data center. So in the new data center, when you click that New data center button, you get this window, which pops up for defining the new data center properties. The new data center will have to be provided with a name. The name of the data center, it’s a text field, and it can have up to 40-character limit, and it should be a unique data center inside your engine. Then we have got the other component which is called as the storage type. Very much important to define what kind of storage is managed under this particular data center, whether it’s a shared storage or whether it’s a local storage type. So you can have a data center getting attached to local storage, which will not have a cluster configuration, cluster management, and high-availability architectures. But it only supports a single host and a single non-shareable cluster or a local cluster that is created for a local storage type data center. If I use shared, the shared storage domain can be anything related to iSCSI, NFS, FC, which is fiber channels, POSIX, or gluster file system. They can be added to the same data center. And local and shared domains, however, cannot be mixed. So again, at the time of creating the data center, you decide whether you want to create the data center with shared storage, or whether it’s a local storage data center. Usually, you create the local storage data center if you are trying to do some kind of testing, or doing some kind of development stages or creating virtual machines for test and development. But on production environments, majorly, for high-availability architectures for implementing fencing, or getting into QOS management and other features of high-availability architecture, we need to have a shared domain. Then we have got the compatibility version. The compatibility version parameter defines the Red Hat virtualization compatibility. So to what level is it compatible? So that is what is defined by the compatibility version. Then we have got the quota. The quota is a resource limitation tool provided with Red Hat virtualization, which can be defined as disabled, ordered, or enforced. The values inside the quota mode can be audit, disabled, or enforced. By default, it is audit. If you want to edit the quota settings and you want to allow the machines to utilize beyond the set limit, I can use the audit option. And I can get it logged to see whether I’m using more than the value required, which has been set as a quota. But if I enforce the quota, which is usually done on the production environments to force the systems not to go beyond the quota that is allocated to them, and disable this, you’re not controlling any quota limit. So you define these options at the data center level. We have also got something which is called as the quality of service. Quality of service in Oracle. Linux Virtualization Manager is a powerful feature that allows administrators to manage and optimize the performance of virtual resources by prioritizing workloads or setting resource limits and guarantees and implementing bandwidth management. Quality of service ensures that critical applications receive the necessary resource, that resource contention is minimized. And implementing QOS policies enhances the reliability, efficiency, and predictability of a virtualized environment, leading to a better overall performance and user satisfaction. And to do that, or to configure the default QOS policies for the storage, you can do that by getting into your Data Center page for your data center, selecting that data center from the data center page, and you get the details of the data center page in which you have got the QOS, Quality Of Service. And then you can define the quality of service by using the options like for the storage quality of service, you have got the New button there to which you can create a new quality of service definition. To applying the storage quality of service to manage input outputs per second and bandwidth for virtual machines, ensure that high-performance storage needs are met without impacting other virtualization environments. We have got– One of the option here is the Storage option, where we are creating a new storage QOS, where we can define the QOS name and the description, and then we can define the properties of the quality of service definition. Like I want to define the IOps limits, I can configure the total amount of IOps, amount of IOps for read, and amount of IOps for write that you’re giving as a limitation for the environment. So you’ve got set the limits on the I/O operations per second or bandwidth for storage devices to control the storage performance and reserve a minimum number of IOps for critical VMs to ensure they receive the necessary storage performance.
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