Let’s talk about the connectivity models now. And connectivity models with respect to OCI FastConnect. So there are three connectivity models. The first one is FastConnect with an Oracle partner. The second one is FastConnect with a third party provider. And the third one is FastConnect colocation with Oracle.
When you create a FastConnect connection in the OCI Console, you will see an option for this. For these two, the second and the third, you have to select FastConnect Direct. There will be two options. One for Oracle partner and then FastConnect Direct. FastConnect direct is going to have these two options, either third party provider or colocation with Oracle.
So let’s look at these one by one. So first, we’ll be the FastConnect with an Oracle partner. So I’m drawing a data center here. So this is the data center, customer data center. This is the FastConnect location. And this is OCI.
There is a customer premises equipment on the data center side. And inside the FastConnect location, this is basically the edge or you can call it the Oracle cage. Inside the cage, this is the edge. So this is the Oracle FastConnect edge.
Now what is an Oracle partner. An Oracle partner is a network service provider that has already established connection with the FastConnect location. So what it typically means is this is the edge. This connection is already established.
Now, what you need to do, so you need to work with the Oracle partner and establish this physical connectivity. So what does it mean? It means that in case of an Oracle partner, there is no concept of letter of authorization because this connection is already established.
You just need to work with the partner and provision a physical connection from your data center to the partner edge, which is already there inside the FastConnect location. So you can think of it like the partner network. So this is what is your FastConnect with an Oracle partner.
Now let’s look at the second option. So the second option is FastConnect with a third party provider. Again it will have three constructs. Customer data center, this is the FastConnect location, and this is OCI.
Now, in case of the third party provider, you need to work with a carrier of your choice. So you can decide on the network service provider or the network carrier. So you decide on the network carrier of your choice.
And this network carrier is responsible for physical connection between on-premises and the FastConnect edge. So the network carrier is responsible for providing physical connection between on-premises and Oracle FastConnect edge devices.
Now, in this case, we do require a letter of authorization. Oracle will provide you the letter of authorization. And you need to forward this letter of authorization to the third party provider. Because ultimately, this third party provider is going to perform the cross connect. In this case, you are ordering a private or dedicated circuit from a network carrier, which is not an Oracle partner.
Now, let’s look at the final one, which is FastConnect Colocation with Oracle.
So there are physical and logical devices inside the cage. And inside your cage, there will be edge device. So in this scenario, you already have a presence at an Oracle FastConnect location. You see your edge servers, your cage is already there in the FastConnect location. So what is the only thing that you need to do here. So Oracle will give you a letter of authorization that you need to provide to the data center provider.
And after providing it, a direct cross connect is going to be established. That means a physical connection. So it’s a direct connection via fiber cross connect. And the connection is happening between your cage and Oracle cage. So this is what is your co-location with Oracle.
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