Here are some more features of OCFS2, Advanced Security – Supports POSIX ACLs and SELinux in addition to the traditional file access permission model. Use the...
Continue reading...AristaDBA's Oracle Blog....
OCFS2- Few Features, Part 1….
Here are some features of OCFS2, Variable Block and Cluster Sizes – OCFS2 has two main allocation units, blocks and clusters. OCFS2 supports block sizes ranging...
Continue reading...OCFS2- Introduction….
OCFS2 is a general-purpose, POSIX-compliant, and shared disk cluster file system. It allows multiple nodes to read from and write to files on the same disk...
Continue reading...My, Literally Hello World APEX, Website….
I am late but better later than never. I still remember when Tom Kyte mentioned how he, Mike Hichwa and few more are working on this...
Continue reading...My, Literally Hello World APEX, Website….#JoelKallmanDay
I am late to the party. But better later than never. I still remember when Tom Kyte mentioned how he, Mike Hichwa and a few more...
Continue reading...MySQL DB, Why It’s So Good….
I am going to start writing about MySQL database in the coming posts. A lot of time, this question comes up that what’s so good about...
Continue reading...Terraform, An Introduction….
Terraform is written in Go, which is easily extensible, as the OCI Provider for Terraform shows. Terraform development moves quickly. As soon as the Cloud providers...
Continue reading...Provisioning E-Biz Suite On Single Node On OCI….
This is just a quick note if anyone is interested in deployment of Oracle EBIZ suite templates for testing/learning purpose on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure(OCI). Following MOS...
Continue reading...Pi Day 2022 Is Here….
Are you a developer? Do you like Analytics to answer questions for you? Do you like to get free OCI account to play with the latest...
Continue reading...FMW_12c_Installation_Not_A_Valid_JDK_Java_Home….
I am testing an installation of OBIEE on Windows 10(Pro). After installing JDK8 and database, when I tried to start the installation of FMW(Web Logic), it...
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